Welcome to the Champions League draft! For some of you this is a new experience, so here’s a quick breakdown of how this goes:
- The draft will take place in the comments section. This is a snake-style draft, meaning that whoever gets the first pick will also get the last pick. Other than that, the same rules/scoring apply here as in the Pick-4 fantasy league.
- Each of you will draft two players, and I will alert you when it’s your turn to draft. I’ll respond to one of your comments so you get a notification in Disqus (or DM you on Twitter if you’re on there).
- Draft order is determined by our dear computerized friends at random.org.
- The scoring system is the exact same as it is in the Pick-4 league, so see that page if you need a reminder of how scoring works.
- If at any time you have questions, just reply to one of my comments in the comments section (I’m John, if that’s not clear)
For various dumb reasons, I had to make this post on mobile. Normally I’d have a screenshot where you could see that I had gone to random.org to randomize the draft order. You’ll just have to trust that I actually did that (because I did).
Here are the results (and thus the draft order:
- BenTeague005
- Blurry Denzel
- Mshah10
- Barbara Anderson
- Stick to the Plan
- Friendchooser
- Domo
- Carterfan
- Ben Folds Fan in 3D!!
- Ben Folds Fan in 3D!!
- Carterfan
- Domo
- Friendchooser
- Stick to the Plan
- Barbara Anderson
- Mshah10
- Blurry Denzel
- Benteague005