Grading the Fake Idols of Survivor December 13, 2017December 14, 2018Emma 219 Since the premiere of Survivor: Healers vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, there has been talk and anticipation about how Chrissy would use what amounts [...]
30 from 30: #25 – The Black Widow Brigade Claims its First Victim September 2, 2015January 29, 2019Emma 93 The Moment: Cirie orchestrates a blindside against Ozzy, leading to the formation of the first significant women’s alliance on Survivor. EmmaEmma is the [...]
30 from 30: #22 – Yau-Man Chan Creates a Fake Immunity Idol August 26, 2015John 22 The Moment: Adorable little Yau-Man made an immunity idol. It was not a turtle. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor [...]