We’re back for more live coverage of Survivor: Cambodia! Live blog with us (East Coast time) on Twitter and Storify!
Wrap Thoughts and Three Up and Three Down:
Ok so I think we can conclude one thing from this episode: Varner and Wentworth are the power players on Ta Keo. Varner is playing a fantastic game, but I love how seamlessly Wentworth slid from being in a closely allied minority three to the majority. Smooth. Over on Bayon we still know nothing other than Savage is getting such a ridiculously over the top hero edit, that even I find it unbelievable. (Nah just kidding, I love it!) We barely heard from anyone else except Jeremy who also got a big emotional confessional. Fishbach looked a lot better though, so maybe the impending swap is something that revives his relevance.
Three Up:
Varner, Terry (seriously I can’t believe how good he was here at helping turn Abi), Jeremy, Stephen (only one way it could have gone!)
Three Down:
Spencer (the Charlie Browning continues!), Keith (he didn’t say anything), Abi (Pyrrhic victory, girl is obviously the villain of the season).
Savage Corner: I still love Savage. Duh. Also he is getting an unbelievably glowing edit. It terrifies me.

Matt is convinced that all Survivor contestants named Michel(l)e are bad tv and you cannot prove he ever said otherwise. Also if he ever takes a strong stance about why everyone else is wrong, it is he that is inevitably wrong.
Favorite seasons: Micronesia, Heroes vs. Villains, Palau, Philippines, Pearl Islands, Cagayan