Final Predictions for Survivor Worlds Apart May 19, 2015September 29, 2015Andy 20 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
Interview: Survivor Second Chance nominee Jeff Varner May 13, 2015August 25, 2015Andy 10 Jeff Varner is the ideal candidate for a season such as this, where the Survivor producers can reach back and pluck potential stars [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Episode Thirteen May 12, 2015September 29, 2015Andy 16 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Episode Twelve (with bonus commentary) May 5, 2015August 24, 2016Andy 14 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
The Ultimate Survivor Bracket Winner April 29, 2015August 24, 2016Andy 16 It was an incredibly close vote after a last minute push (that mysteriously slowed down after we took added measures to prevent the [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Episode Eleven April 28, 2015September 29, 2015Andy 6 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Episode Ten April 21, 2015September 29, 2015Andy 4 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
The 5 Survivor Bonus Clips Worth Watching This Week – Worlds Apart Episode 9 April 16, 2015June 10, 2015Andy 6 Because life is too short to watch all the clips CBS posts each week, I’m here to let you know which ones are [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Episode Nine April 14, 2015September 29, 2015Andy 4 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
The 5 Survivor Bonus Clips Worth Watching This Week – Worlds Apart Episode 8 April 9, 2015June 10, 2015Andy 12 Because life is too short to watch all the clips CBS posts each week, I’m here to let you know which ones are [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Episode Eight April 8, 2015September 29, 2015Andy 6 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
The 5 Survivor Bonus Clips Worth Watching This Week – Worlds Apart Episode 7 April 2, 2015June 10, 2015Andy 4 Because life is too short to watch all the clips CBS posts each week, I’m here to let you know which ones are [...]