Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Familial Feudishness

If you didn’t have a chance to watch our live Zoom event, or watch the video posted later, here’s one more opportunity, but in a more inferior format! (And also the video, again).

Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Familial Feudishness

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We recorded a live, Zoom-based “Familial Feudishness” game that our legal department assured us was perfectly reasonable. The game featured two “families”, captained by commenters Blurry Denzel and EmAndScoutInBK. It’s designed to be a video experience, but for those who prefer to listen to our stuff, here’s your chance. No promises as to whether or not that will be a good experience (we never do!)

Reminder: in addition to providing people with a fun way to interact over the offseason, we put on this show to raise money for charity. If you’d like to donate to our cause, COVID Bail Out NYC, click this: GoFundMe link

Special thanks to our host, Cory Barker, who you can learn more about here: corybarker.com and Will (who is a regular commenter, but I’ll let him decide if he wants to identify himself or not) for putting together all the questions, compiling responses, setting up the sweet game board, running the show… basically for doing more work than anybody on this.

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Leave any other feedback you may have on how we can improve below. (For instance, these should probably be shorter, right?)