Survivor Cambodia Episode 9 Liveblog – “Witches Coven”

It’s our ninth  week of live coverage of Survivor Cambodia.  Follow us on Twitter and Storify!

Wrap Thoughts and Three Up and Three Down:
I have nothing to say because Wigles went home.  Get it nothing to say?  Just like Wigles!  There are a lot of interesting things here, not the least of which is seeing how that big alliance is breaking down.  I wouldn’t have imagined that Jeremy would follow Stephen and Spencer, but the interesting thing is that only 5 votes were read, so Jeremy can play the plausible deniability game.  Still this game just got a whole lot more unpredictable.  Especially with the most inert player removed from the game.  It would be fun if all the people like that were eliminated.
Three Up:
Jeremy (he is James-ing it up right now.  Two idols!), Stephen (won a physical challenge!), Kelley (There can be only one!)
Three Down:
The entire group of the less strategically inclined.  Wigles, Keith, Kimmi… bad news for those not playing the game.
Savage Corner: He may be on the jury but he could still rock a beanie and get off a nice burn about how much they are suffering.  Savage Corner continues!