Like a lazily-copy and pasted post, this week had the same text as last week’s.

As always, if you’re going to live tweet the episode and want to give people the chance to see your tweets (since they won’t be shared in a live blog), use the hashtag #survivorprp. Then your tweets will appear below and you’ll be star!
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Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him