Time for us all to predict Joe or Cole again.
Or will we?
Reader Predictions
Who do you think will go home?
Who will be the eighth boot of Survivor: HHH?
- Joe (38% Votes)
- Desi (26% Votes)
- Cole (24% Votes)
- JP (4% Votes)
- Devon (3% Votes)
- Ben (2% Votes)
- Ashley (1% Votes)
- Lauren (1% Votes)
- Ryan (1% Votes)
- Chrissy (0% Votes)
- Mike (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 100

Staff Predictions
The danger of voting for Joe is the fear that he has an idol. That fear goes away if the NToS scene is indeed Cole or Chrissy very publicly finding an idol. So if you know he doesn’t have one now, get rid of Joe now.
I’ve been terrible at predictions this season because I’ve kept trying to predict less likely things happening. Instead, I need to embrace the lack of surprise this season has offered and use that to make my predictions. If nothing else, getting my predictions wrong will mean that the season has started to get more interesting. So if I’m wrong on this, you’re welcome. Joe goes home this week.
All the possible idol wrestling kerfuffle will cause the Hero-Hustler alliance to want to target someone they think is unlikely to play an idol or have one played for them. It worked last time! Spinning it as her being a big immunity thread with a record of 1-1, Desi will go home. Plus, Jessica didn’t make the jury, so Desi still has a chance of being the Queen of Ponderosa. She was a beauty queen. Get it? I’m sorry.
This coming week is Desi. I mean Chrissy only targets women anyway, and Desi just won immunity. Time to oust that “threat”. They are going to wait one more week to target Joe until they have the numbers for a vote-split, and so they’ll go after Desi. That will leave Mike and Cole as the last survivors of that alliance… just what Lauren and Ben wanted. They will then use Cole winning a timely immunity to oust Devon or JP, who will be followed by Ashley, and then whoever remains of Devon/JP. Finally, they’ll turn back and eliminate Cole in 6th, Mike in 5th and final four is Ryan, Ben, Chrissy and Lauren.
Bank it.
I’m going to have to go Joe here. The Healers will get picked off, but I see Mike as a defector/swing vote to the other alliance. Now that Joe has made a big show of his idols, no one will let him get near one, and Mike doesn’t like the guy. I just don’t see how he survives the next few weeks, so I’m gonna say this is his time.

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him