Time to predict and vote and argue again. As we do.
Medevac Scenario Game
After our traditional Hiatus of Respect, we’re back at it with evac scenarios with John looking to tie things up.
Who had the better week 8 evac scenario?
- John: Julia gets dysentery from bad ice cream (64% Votes)
- Andy: Jason is attacked by the Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (36% Votes)
Total Voters: 66
Current score: Andy 3 John 2
Andy: Sometimes previews misdirect, sometimes they play it straight. If the preview were suggesting that Tai, or Debbie, or Jason, or Obvious Winner Michele™ were in trouble, I’d pay less head to it. Because it’s not so much that it hinted that Julia might be in trouble, it’s that it featured Julia at all. We’re at the point in the season where “this episode is about Julia” = “Julia is going home”.
John: Michele is going home. To us, she’s the secret, under-the-radar leader of the women’s alliance. (Cydney is just the figurehead, obviously.) But that’s just because the edit is hiding her glory from us. It’s impossible for a big personality playing such an active role to hide during the actual game, so everyone there knows she’s a huge threat. And they’ll neutralize that threat immediately.
Emma: Given his cocky edit, I think this week is finally the one where Nick will… Wait, what’s that? Nick got voted out last week? I was… I was right? Okay, hmmm. That changes everything. I shall use my newfound power to hope the women’s alliance holds strong. Everyone is against Jason and Scot at this point, so they split the vote. Super idol, shmuper idol. Tai voted for Jason last week, so Jason plays his idol before the vote and Scot goes home. Maybe someday someone under six feet tall will be on the jury.
Mark: This has to be the week where my amazing Pick-6 team hits the buzzsaw. Even if the girls are mad at Julia for cozying up to Scot (as hinted in previews), I’m not sure she votes with the guys in the end. (And even if she does, Joe counteracts that vote, as we saw last week.) So as revenge for their assholery, I can see the girls targeting Tai and Jason now that everyone knows about the super idol. That super idol could save either of them, but I don’t see Jason using it on anyone but himself. Exit the best player in the game in a 4-3-2: Mark the Chicken. Wait, sorry, Tai. America cries and viewership plummets 30%.
Matt: Okay this week it is everybody against Scot and Jason but some of the people in the middle are getting a little big for their britches. The brains want to take back control of the big alliance and need to eliminate someone on their side and don’t view Scot and Jason as threatening enough to target. Meanwhile the brains wanting to make an in alliance power play try to enlist Scot and Jason for one vote and they want Cydney gone for betraying them. And so Cydney goes home blindsided by an unlikely alliance. Either that or Michele goes home. Definitely Michele. My pick is Michele
Who will be the next eliminated player on Survivor Kaoh Rong?
- Scot (40% Votes)
- Julia (15% Votes)
- Cydney (11% Votes)
- Jason (8% Votes)
- Michele (8% Votes)
- Debbie (7% Votes)
- Tai (5% Votes)
- Joe (4% Votes)
- Aubry (1% Votes)
Total Voters: 73
Winner Prediction
Look, we all know that the answer is Michele. No need to get all ranty about it.
Through week 8 poll: who will win Survivor Kaoh Rong?
- Michele (29% Votes)
- Aubry (27% Votes)
- Cydney (16% Votes)
- Tai (12% Votes)
- Julia (6% Votes)
- Debbie (4% Votes)
- Scot (4% Votes)
- Jason (1% Votes)
- Joe (1% Votes)
Total Voters: 77
Who was the Week 8 MVP?
As suggested by commenter Roswulf, this might be the far more interesting discussion than trying to read tea leaves on the winner. So have it, who had the best week? Use whatever definition you want to make your vote. And comment below if you’d like to further the discussion.
Who was the episode 8 MVP?
- Cydney (84% Votes)
- Aubry (5% Votes)
- Debbie (5% Votes)
- Julia (3% Votes)
- Michele (1% Votes)
- Tai (1% Votes)
- Jason (0% Votes)
- Joe (0% Votes)
- Scot (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 73
Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him