Two boots this week as the show tries to cram in as many eliminations as possible in two weeks.
Next Boot Predictions
Matt pulled ahead of the readers after Will made a late push to unseat Zeke in your vote. Whoops.
Andy: Will wants to be seen as a dangerous player SO BADLY. Looks like he’ll get his wish, as his desperate attempt to be seen as a force to be reckoned with leads the dominant alliance to target him. For the second boot, the mini-Pagonging of Zeke’s former allies continues with Bret, with Sunday working enough social game to survive until the finale. Neither boot will be that interesting, forcing everyone who whined about a double boot this late in the game to find something else to complain about.
John: I’m operating on very little sleep here, so I’m not going to get too creative: Will goes first, followed by Bret. Possibly Jay plays his idol in there somewhere.
Matt: Will Wahl King of the Island goes around telling everyone about his big move and that he is the big man now and that he doesn’t need your help MOM, but no one cares. This makes him mad and he quite obviously is going to jump back to Jay’s side, but no one is willing to go with him. David and company decide to vote out the obvious flip-flopper, and Jay, Sunday and Bret all realize that doing so advances them one more vote while removing an untrustworthy ally. Will Wahl King of the Island loses his crown and then goes to have some milk at Ponderosa. Following Will’s ouster, David’s group finally realizes that Jay is a giant threat, because duh. But Jay has an idol, so instead they vote off Sunday because of her social bonds and general likability (also they aren’t worried about Bret as a challenge threat). Jay also does not play his idol in either of the votes today (but it will get flushed at 6 next week)
Mark: Another double-boot episode, another chance to maybe pick someone who gets booted. After Will Wahl waffled and whined, I expect him to wind up whomped at the vote and whisked off to the jury to enjoy a nice glass of milk and humble pie. Woe. After that, the former Zeke’s alliance will probably get picked off, with Bret axed just before the finale. Not to get too edgy, but Hannah’s suspicion of him being a cop, combined with an end to his game story as a foot soldier, leads him to be my prime suspect.
Emma: Trying to second-guess the previews keeps blowing up in my face, so I say the first boot has gotta be Will. Nobody needs him anymore and nobody trusts him anymore. After that, I think the David contingent takes control of the game (for now) and votes out a number for the other side. They won’t consider Sunday a threat, and there’s not enough people to split votes and avoid Jay’s idol, so Bret is sent home.
Make your picks below and don’t be afraid to give your explanation in the comments.
Who will be the thirteenth boot of Survivor MvGX?
- Will (72% Votes)
- David (8% Votes)
- Ken (6% Votes)
- Adam (5% Votes)
- Sunday (5% Votes)
- Bret (3% Votes)
- Hannah (2% Votes)
- Jay (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 64

Who will be the fourteenth boot of Survivor MvGX?
- Bret (37% Votes)
- Will (17% Votes)
- Sunday (14% Votes)
- Ken (9% Votes)
- David (7% Votes)
- Hannah (7% Votes)
- Adam (6% Votes)
- Jay (3% Votes)
Total Voters: 70

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him