Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets Episode 4 Recap: “I’m not Jesus, I don’t forgive”


It was a pretty decent week of Survivor, nothing spectacular but a solid enough. There was a tribe swap which really mixed things up. There was a good move that maybe ended up being bad and a bad move that might have worked.

  • we open with Jacques being yelled at by Danté and Felix. I really don’t like either of them.
  • Dante and Felix just talked down to him.
  • the tribe swap is really even on tribal lines but the purple tribe is stacked.
  • Tanya makes an error, there is no need to go to yellow. She doesn’t like Felix, she seems to have just gone because Seipei was there. The move here is to boot Laetitia and just win until merge. Maybe she’ll annoy them enough that they throw a challenge but Rocco, Danté, Nicole and Meryl is a good core of challenge players. Plus you keep a 3-2-1 majority.
  • Back at camp Tanya tells Felix that Ting Ting was voted out for being Tanya’s friend not being the weakest. Ok Tanya!
  • The blue and purple tribes both spill way too much about what went on with their old tribes. At least Rob said Paul left with his idol. Why didn’t Steffi tell the same lie? why did she say basically that Nicole, Rob or Seipei took it?
  • Seipei and Tanya bond, we could get a nice flip on Felix if they can bring it together.
  • The reward at the challenge is Steers ribs.
  • Unsurprisingly the two stacked teams win the physical challenge.
  • Rob somehow convinces purple to send Seipei to the Island of Secrets to protect her. She gets nothing from it and is annoyed because she wanted to flip the game with Tanya.
  • Jacques tells Felix about his idol, Felix for some reason wants to hold it as a test of Jacques’ loyalty. It ends in an argument and Jacques wanting to get rid of Felix sooner.
  • Rose-Lee and Durāo make a fake idol and tell Jacques.
  • I didn’t like the vote for Rose-Lee, it’s the right vote but it’s shows the inherent sexism of pre-merge Survivor. Durāo shat the bed in the challenge if he had been 10% quicker they could have won but Rose-Lee is the weak liability and gets sent home.
  • It’s interesting that old yellow stayed together for this, I think Jacques would have been better off forming a 3 with Durāo and Rose-Lee and getting rid of Tanya.

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