Due to a tragic #TACOOVERLOAD, John was unable to make the podcast this week, so we turned to our Survivor Chick Stuff correspondent Emma to give Andy someone to pretend to listen to while he waits his turn to talk. Andy explains to Emma what guys are like when ladies are not present, we wonder if the winner of this season has now become obvious, and a listener poses the craziest question: is Jaclyn getting a winner’s edit?
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: San Juan del Sur- episode 8
All that, plus lots of fart talk. Tell your five-year-olds. This friggin’ season, man.
Andy and Emma discuss the fall of Josh and whether or not he was a good Survivor player or merely a fan creation.
As always, we welcome your feedback either here or on one of the many other avenues you can reach us (especially Twitter: @purplerockpod or gmail: purplerockpodcast). Thanks for listening!
Note: You can find our iTunes subscription link here: Purple Rock Survivor podcast on iTunes

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.