Worlds Apart fantasy league scoreboard- Week 9

Somehow, there are no events that trigger negative points for players, so some of you can breathe a sigh of relief.  Read on to see the results. 

Jenn was the third most popular player in this league. She was selected by 51% of you. So for the second week in a row, we had someone on at least half of the teams go home. That hasn’t happened since Max went home before the merge (nor will it happen again; Shirin is the next most popular player, and she’s on 42% of teams).

Standings won’t change much this week. Only having Mike on your team would help separate you from the pack. Mike earns six points- four for his immunity win, two for voting out Jenn. Everyone else- except Jenn, who was scoreless- earns two points for voting out Jenn.

Let’s take a look at the individual player scores:

Player Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Total
Joe 2 1 1 3 3 1 9 6 0 0 26
Mike 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 5 3 6 26
Jenn 2 1 1 6 1 3 9 0 0 0 23
Tyler 1 2 1 0 3 0 3 2 7 2 21
Carolyn 4 2 1 0 1 3 3 2 2 2 20
Will 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 20
Dan 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 19
Sierra 1 1 2 0 3 1 3 2 3 2 18
Rodney 1 1 2 1 3 0 3 2 2 2 17
Shirin 1 2 1 0 0 3 5 0 3 2 17
Hali 2 1 1 3 1 3 5 0 0 0 16
Kelly 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 0 0 0 12
Joaquin 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6
Max 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Lindsey 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Nina 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Vince 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


And now, the standings, where gouis retains the lead, but is down to just two team members left. Disgruntled Goat and Tocantins are the highest-scoring teams that still have three players remaining. There remains an epic battle for the last-place spot, with HectorTheWellEndowed just a point away from joining vaderdawsn in the cellar:

Team Name Player 1 Pts 1 Player 2 Pts 2 Player 3 Pts 3 Player 4 Pts 4 Total
gouis Jenn 23 Joe 26 Mike 26 Tyler 21 96
nearlynina Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Mike 26 95
fransesqua Dan 19 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Mike 26 94
Dutch Jenn 23 Joe 26 Mike 26 Sierra 18 93
Streets_Ahead Jenn 23 Joe 26 Mike 26 Shirin 17 92
Wet Biscuit McGlee Hali 16 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Mike 26 91
Hurleytennis Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Tyler 21 90
Disgruntled Goat Joe 26 Mike 26 Sierra 18 Will 20 90
tocantins Carolyn 20 Joe 26 Mike 26 Shirin 17 89
matthewwhatever Jenn 23 Joe 26 Sierra 18 Tyler 21 88
Roswulf Jenn 23 Joe 26 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 87
VeronicaMarsIsBrightTonight Jenn 23 Mike 26 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 87
forget_it_jake Jenn 23 Joe 26 Shirin 17 Will 20 86
Lewster Joe 26 Kelly 12 Mike 26 Tyler 21 85
Other Scott Jenn 23 Joe 26 Rodney 17 Shirin 17 83
Mack Attack Jenn 23 Mike 26 Rodney 17 Shirin 17 83
hornacek Hali 16 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Shirin 17 82
bubba lou Jenn 23 Kelly 12 Mike 26 Tyler 21 82
Come On In Here Hali 16 Joe 26 Sierra 18 Tyler 21 81
fnarf Carolyn 20 Joe 26 Shirin 17 Sierra 18 81
Team Heisenberg Joe 26 Kelly 12 Mike 26 Shirin 17 81
Judge Reinhold Hali 16 Mike 26 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 80
SG Standard Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 Mike 26 79
supaspike Jenn 23 Joe 26 Lindsey 4 Mike 26 79
kemperboyd Jenn 23 Joe 26 Kelly 12 Shirin 17 78
philite Jenn 23 Kelly 12 Mike 26 Shirin 17 78
Diego Armando Joe 26 Max 4 Mike 26 Tyler 21 77
random_fan Hali 16 Jenn 23 Shirin 17 Will 20 76
SagoPalm Joe 26 Kelly 12 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 76
ebolamonkey84 Carolyn 20 Joe 26 Max 4 Mike 26 76
dig doug Joe 26 Kelly 12 Rodney 17 Will 20 75
DrVanNostrand Joe 26 Kelly 12 Shirin 17 Will 20 75
Chawkinse Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 Tyler 21 74
thetallman_Z Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 73
XLPelican Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 Will 20 73
Sylvisual Joe 26 Max 4 Mike 26 Shirin 17 73
Everyone is someone Hali 16 Kelly 12 Mike 26 Sierra 18 72
Violina23 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 Sierra 18 71
ShitShow Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 Rodney 17 70
Joseph Finn Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 Shirin 17 70
keith_inchierca Jenn 23 Kelly 12 Rodney 17 Sierra 18 70
lira2012 Dan 19 Joe 26 Max 4 Tyler 21 70
bder19 Jenn 23 Max 4 Mike 26 Shirin 17 70
forever1267 Joaquin 6 Mike 26 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 70
Ms_Woozah Hali 16 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Max 4 69
Floworefs Joe 26 Max 4 Sierra 18 Tyler 21 69
Jeff Probst’s Hairpiece Carolyn 20 Joe 26 Max 4 Sierra 18 68
dttmontreal Joe 26 Max 4 Sierra 18 Will 20 68
Guesty_McGuest Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Max 4 Tyler 21 68
Little Emma Adderall Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Lindsey 4 Tyler 21 68
mratfink Joe 26 Max 4 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 68
Chuck Richelieu Max 4 Mike 26 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 68
Something Quirky Hali 16 Joe 26 Max 4 Tyler 21 67
President Chester A. Arthur Carolyn 20 Joe 26 Max 4 Rodney 17 67
Azor Ahai Carolyn 20 Joe 26 Max 4 Shirin 17 67
The Way Dan 19 Jenn 23 Lindsey 4 Tyler 21 67
Benthic Explorer Joe 26 Sierra 18 Tyler 21 Vince 2 67
sirlivealot Dan 19 Max 4 Mike 26 Shirin 17 66
Hank_Dolworth Jenn 23 Joe 26 Kelly 12 Max 4 65
bassmanxvi Dan 19 Jenn 23 Joaquin 6 Shirin 17 65
Dr.Horrible Joe 26 Max 4 Shirin 17 Sierra 18 65
Mikdyer252 Jenn 23 Max 4 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 65
Max Jets Hali 16 Jenn 23 Max 4 Tyler 21 64
Exacerbator Jenn 23 Max 4 Shirin 17 Will 20 64
ninaptime Hali 16 Joe 26 Max 4 Shirin 17 63
wacky Joe 26 Kelly 12 Max 4 Tyler 21 63
rygel Joe 26 Rodney 17 Sierra 18 Vince 2 63
aj hiller Carolyn 20 Hali 16 Max 4 Tyler 21 61
Monsieur T Jenn 23 Kelly 12 Max 4 Tyler 21 60
Jacob S.W. Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Kelly 12 Max 4 59
indescribable hat Joe 26 Kelly 12 Max 4 Shirin 17 59
free7694 Hali 16 Max 4 Sierra 18 Tyler 21 59
Prom King Jenn 23 Joaquin 6 Max 4 Mike 26 59
IcarusArts Max 4 Shirin 17 Sierra 18 Will 20 59
CountBulletsula Kelly 12 Max 4 Mike 26 Shirin 17 59
chicago95 Jenn 23 Joe 26 Lindsey 4 Max 4 57
I was saying Boo-urns Joe 26 Lindsey 4 Max 4 Tyler 21 55
Bananas Hali 16 Max 4 Shirin 17 Sierra 18 55
Saturday Night Palsy Kelly 12 Max 4 Shirin 17 Tyler 21 54
m0nit0rman Dan 19 Kelly 12 Max 4 Shirin 17 52
kristanmarie Hali 16 Joaquin 6 Max 4 Mike 26 52
i and 1 Jenn 23 Max 4 Nina 2 Tyler 21 50
Kingoftonga86 Carolyn 20 Jenn 23 Lindsey 4 Vince 2 49
tonys favorite llama Joe 26 Max 4 Sierra 18 So 0 48
Guy Caballero Joaquin 6 Max 4 Sierra 18 Will 20 48
Lillewie Jenn 23 Max 4 Shirin 17 Vince 2 46
Jonathan Michaels Jenn 23 Joaquin 6 Kelly 12 Vince 2 43
HectorTheWellEndowed Kelly 12 Max 4 Vince 2 Will 20 38
vaderdawsn Joaquin 6 Kelly 12 Shirin 17 Vince 2 37