We try to figure out a logical way to discuss the crazy ninth episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong. We probably fail to do so.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Kaoh Rong episode 9 “It’s Psychological Warfare”
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In this episode, we discuss:
- The genius of pissing off jury members by sabotaging their lives.
- The genius of openly showing your alliance that you’re willing to flip on them for rewards.
- The genius of turning to the dark side.
- The genius of casting aside your newly formed alliance rather than voting out the people sabotaging your lives.
- The genius of trusting the person you were going to vote off because you couldn’t trust them.
- The genius of trolling people with your idols at Tribal Council.
- The biggest genius of the week.
- The genius of our medevac scenarios.
- The genius of early casting rumours for season 34.
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Note on our Explicit rating: This is not a particularly explicit podcast, but we do have some in our archives that qualify and we are sometimes more lax in our editing. So to comply with iTunes, we’ve erred on the side of caution and put in that rating. However, we will always warn listeners if a particular podcast is actually explicit before it begins.

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.