Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Survivor 41 episode 7 – “There Will Be Blood”

After a dark episode that, frankly, isn’t even worth talking about, the show makes a strong recovery this week. By which we mean, obviously, that Andy is back on the podcast, with special guest co-host Emma.

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Note: Because this is a video podcast (with actual video footage!), the audio edit may not be up to our usual standards. Just our semi-usual standards then.

Listen or watch (or both?) to Andy and Emma as they discuss:

  • Daylight Savings Time plebiscites.
  • How Emma is enjoying the season thus far.
  • If we liked the episode.
  • What advantages can do for the evolution of this show.
  • The fairness (or lack thereof) of the shenanigans that set this episode off.
  • A largely pointless digression into international Survivor spurred on by a random Twitter interaction minutes before recording.
  • Who impressed us the most? The least?
  • Turns out the Knowledge is Power advantage isn’t just a fancy idol nullifier. Who could’ve foreseen such an event?!?
  • People telling people everything.
  • Liana feeling like she was on the outs on Yase.
  • Is Shan bad at Survivor?