Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Survivor 43 episode 9 – “What About the Big Girls”

We’re at the hallowed “split the tribe into two random tribes on Day 17” phase of Survivor. The spot where legends are made.

Note: to truly get this episode, you must be extremely hardcore. This will mean listening to long hours at high intensity. Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade.

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In this episode, the Purple Rock Podcast discusses:

  • Mike’s inspirational back story that brought him to this podcast.
  • Feelings on this episode.
  • Noelle’s anti-Knowledge is Power maneuvering.
  • Sami’s maneuvering with Karla.
  • Karla flipping on James.
  • Where James went wrong.
  • If Jesse and Cody chose the right target.
  • Relying on Gabler.
  • The double tribal structure.
  • Another Knowledge is Power failure.
  • Thoughts on the season so far and where it’s going