We are starting our Nicaragua watch-along this Thursday and this is how it will sear the living skin from my eyeballs:
I will be doing a weekly watch of Survivor :Nicaragua starting January 5th. I will be doing this in live-blog format, but not actually live-blogging at a set time. So you don’t have to worry about coordinating watch times or anything like that.
Here’s the order I will discuss the episodes:
January 5th: Episodes 1-2
January 12th: Episodes 3-5
January 19th: Episodes 6-7
January 26th: Episodes 8-10
11 is a recap episode and will not be watched because why do that to ourselves?
February 2nd: Episodes 12-14
February 9th: Episodes 15 plus reunion
Note: This is my first time watching this season, so if you are rewatching it, please be careful with the spoilers. I mean I know who wins, and I know about the quitters, and I know that this season generally sucks. But I want to experience the suck live and as it is happening so I can give you a fair and accurate portrait of its sucking. Or maybe I’ll actually like it?

Matt is convinced that all Survivor contestants named Michel(l)e are bad tv and you cannot prove he ever said otherwise. Also if he ever takes a strong stance about why everyone else is wrong, it is he that is inevitably wrong.
Favorite seasons: Micronesia, Heroes vs. Villains, Palau, Philippines, Pearl Islands, Cagayan