Survivor Edge of Extinction Predictions Final Results

Here’s the final results? Who won? It would be so awesome if it was someone who stopped making predictions 11 weeks ago, but alas.

Note: A reminder that votes cast AFTER the episode starts airing are eliminated from the final tally.

Andy Brad Emma John
Mark Matt
2nd Boot Wendy Keith Wendy Wendy Keith Wendy Wendy
3rd Boot Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy
4th Boot Wendy Aubry Kelley Aurora Wendy Aurora Wendy
5th or 6th Boot Wendy Aubry Wendy Aubry Wendy Wendy Wendy
7th Boot Wendy Julia Dan Joe Dan Dan Dan
EoE returnee Wendy Chris Rick Rick Chris Rick Rick
8th boot Ron Wardrobe Ron David Ron Ron Ron
9th boot Ron Gavin Ron David David David Julia
10th boot Gavin Aurora Rick David Gavin Julie Aurora
11th boot Julie Gavin Gavin Gavin Dan Gavin Wardog
12th boot Aurora Wardog Gavin Rick Ron Wardog Wardog
13th boot Rick Rick Rick Rick Ron Ron Ron
14th boot Rick Rick Rick Gavin Gavin Rick Rick
EoE returnee David Aurora Chris Kelley Aurora David Aurora
6th Place Gavin Gavin Gavin Victoria Aurora David Gavin
5th Place David Victoria Victoria Gavin Gavin Gavin Aurora
4th Place Victoria Aurora Rick Lauren Victoria Lauren Victoria
3rd Place Julie Julie Julie Julie Julie Julie Julie
2nd Place Lauren Lauren Chris Kelley Lauren Victoria Lauren
Winner Rick Rick Lauren Rick Rick Rick Rick

Congratulations to John and the readers for winning the season with a whopping 6 correct picks. What a thrilling win. This is for y’all:

Hey now, you’re an all-star