Survivor Game Changers Week 5 Predictions and Poll

Another week where our predictions will just be a blind stab in the dark. At least there’s SOME story to back us up this week, if that matters.

Just one pick out of 15 this week, so make it a good one.

Boot Predictions

Andy: There’s plenty of reasons why it won’t be Debbie this week. Her new tribe doesn’t lose immunity. She swaps to a tribe where the former Nukus need her as a number. She swaps to a tribe where she can flip on those same former Nukus/nu-Manas. This was filmed in 2016 and that year never gave us what we wanted. But, please, Survivor gods. Give us this. Do not let Debbie hang around another week longer.

John: If I keep predicting Debbie, it has to come true eventually, right? My hope is that the people that thought it would be useful to keep her around as the low woman on the totem pole have realized that it’s time to just shorten the totem pole.

Emma: I want to predict Debbie. You want to predict Debbie. We want it to be Debbie. But I keep predicting Debbie and she keeps surviving. I can’t help but feel responsible. So in a situation where the tribes are swapping and I have no idea what the new configurations will be, I’m picking the person who got a random scene last week. It’s Sarah. (Okay Survivor gods, you can let Debbie go home now).

Mark: With the tribe swap, we have no idea how this is going to go. I see a couple of important power players in Sarah, Troy, and Brad, but otherwise, there’s not much to go on. My only lead is that it’s probably an original Mana due to numbers, and I’d say Sandra, but I’m sure she’ll weasel her way out somehow. Aubry it is.

Matt: Ozzy. Because I know fuck all and it would be funny if they brought Rob to the island to celebrate his milestone on the episode he gets voted out. Also, now is the time you want to take him out before the merge that you know is coming soon and when your tribes have just been swapped again.

Andy John Emma
Mark Matt
First or Second Boot
Aubry Ciera Ciera Ciera Ciera Ciera
Third Out JT Debbie Cirie JT Cirie JT
Fourth Out JT Sandra Sandra  Sandra Varner JT
Fifth Out JT Sandra JT JT JT JT
Sixth Boot Debbie Debbie Sarah  Aubry Ozzy  question-mark
Preseason Winner Pick Malcolm Tony
Andrea Malcolm

Time to make your picks. And feel free to track how your personal picks do throughout the year. I won’t make mention of it or anything, but you can still feel good about it.

Who will be the fifth boot of Survivor: Game Changers?

  • Debbie (26% Votes)
  • Sandra (19% Votes)
  • Sarah (19% Votes)
  • Aubry (10% Votes)
  • Ozzy (9% Votes)
  • Jeff Varner (7% Votes)
  • Sierra Dawn Thomas (3% Votes)
  • Andrea (1% Votes)
  • Brad Culpepper (1% Votes)
  • Hali (1% Votes)
  • Michaela (1% Votes)
  • Tai (1% Votes)
  • Troy (1% Votes)
  • Zeke (1% Votes)
  • Cirie (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 90

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