Survivor Kaoh Rong Week 7 Predictions and Poll

As fair warning, it sounds like there’s a potential spoiler out there in CBS’ latest commercial. If you’ve seen it, you’re still able to participate (since CBS-released quasi-spoilers are fair game), but if you want to avoid such things, you might want to avoid the results of our poll.


Medevac Scenario Game

death count survivor kaoh rong

It’s possible that we’ve exhausted the potential for this gimmick, or we just weren’t as enthusiastic this week. Either way, we’ll keep driving this into the ground if we have to.

Who had the better week 6 evac scenario?

  • Andy: Aubry is attacked by Dementors (53% Votes)
  • John: The love child of Brian Heidik takes Nick hostage (47% Votes)

Total Voters: 70

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Current score: John 2 Andy 2


This week’s predictions post kind of underlines how much of a disadvantage John and I are at by making our picks on Thursday night. I could lessen this by forcing others to make their predictions early, but then I’d have to work on this faster. Nah.

Andy: Brains and Beauty will team up to stuff the nerdy Brains in their lockers. Also, because the Brains (other than Debbie) are kind of awful and not so good at this people stuff. Aubry and Neal will be targeted as the big threats, with Aubry selected as the bigger of the two. She goes, while Neal wastes his idol (note, I’ve seen no spoilery previews).

John: Nick‘s devoted a lot of his time to forging deep social bonds with…uh…hang on, a name will come to me. Oh right, Debbie kinda likes him. She probably just doesn’t like him enough to actually do anything about it when his name comes up.

Emma: I haven’t watched the allegedly spoiler-filled preview, so my prediction can be pure and make me feel better as I continue to be the only one to be wrong every week. Look, it’s clear that this isn’t my season. You all saw what happened to my fantasy team. So for now, I will stick with Nick because it’s gotta happen eventually, right? (Watch as he makes the finale).

Mark: If this was a normal merge vote, I’d be worried for Nick (based on Michelle’s hatred of him) if the beauties are targeted, or Debbie because of her personality quirks. However, with all signs pointing to  a possible medevac, I’m going to go with Joe and his finger needing treatment and him being pulled.

Matt: The battle lines will be drawn and I think the Beauty and the Brains will be gunning for each other as they both make up 4 each, but Tai is more with the Brawn now anyway, and Nick I think is with Debbie and the Brains, leaving only a few beauty without any allegiance.  Plans will be drawn up where almost everyone is willing to vote Michele, but before they do medical shows up and Joe is evac-ed because of an infection in his finger. Michele is saved. (Note everything in this prediction except for the eventual boot is solely there to troll Mark).

Andy John Emma Mark Matt Readers
Alecia Alecia
Alecia Alecia Darnell  Alecia
Cydney Cydney
Cydney Alecia Alecia Alecia
Joe Joe Liz
Joe Joe
Caleb Neal
Caleb Caleb
Joe Nick
Nick Neal
Joe Julia
Peter Peter
Nick Nick
Joe Joe
Score 0-red
Peter Michele
Peter Jennifer

So there you have it. Make your picks below and don’t be afraid to give your explanation in the comments.

Who will be the next person eliminated from Survivor: Kaoh Rong?

  • Joe (27% Votes)
  • Nick (27% Votes)
  • Debbie (14% Votes)
  • Aubry (11% Votes)
  • Tai (8% Votes)
  • Neal (5% Votes)
  • Scot (5% Votes)
  • Cydney (2% Votes)
  • Jason (2% Votes)
  • Michele (2% Votes)
  • Julia (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 66

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Winner Prediction

We’ve been asking this question every week (probably unfairly early) so we could get a read of the room. And also so John could create a nerdy graph about it. BEHOLD!

Kaoh Rong winner picks- through merge
Click to see full-sized graphic.

Through week 6, who do you think will win Survivor: Kaoh Rong?

  • Michele (40% Votes)
  • Cydney (19% Votes)
  • Debbie (12% Votes)
  • Aubry (9% Votes)
  • Tai (6% Votes)
  • Julia (5% Votes)
  • Neal (5% Votes)
  • Jason (3% Votes)
  • Nick (1% Votes)
  • Joe (0% Votes)
  • Scot (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 78

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