HI guys, sorry for the delay this week, unfortunately Survivor Maryland drops on a Monday at 1am for me so I can’t watch it until after work on Tuesdays which is the same day as Great British Bake Off.
- Post vote Santi is wondering who he will go with if they have to go to another Tribal.
- As always the boys on red think they are running the show.
- Liam wants to vote Josh. He tells Santi, which is dumb because Santi likes Josh.
- Ange has the Tape Alliance which is really good because none of the guys know it exists. Ange would be keen to split up the guys who are obviously playing together.
- I like Santi but I feel like he’s playing straight up with too many people. He’s really likeable.
- Morgan calls Santi out to Liam, says that he is developing a power base. Jasmin and Morgan are playing some games with Liam. Morgan says why have another core four with Liam, Morgan, Ange and Jasmin. The Tape Alliance have pulled someone in. Solid job.
- Doug, Chris and Tim don’t want to vote out Amanda. But Dale Aram, Eric and Dain want to.
- At the Challenge Anders has a surprise, it’s an individual immunity challenge, both tribe are going to Tribal!
- Nice Aldi bag Anders!
- It’s a gross food eating challenge. 5 rounds then a final round.
- Eric and Josh win immunity, the two people who probably needed it most.
- I was very confused about whether it’s one joint tribal that votes out 2 people or two separate tribals.
- Santi, Liam and Mike decide they have to go for Evan.
- It’s funny, these guys all want to go after Josh because he has 4 clues to the idol yet he went searching with Mike. ALthough Mike things Josh has it but is pretending to search.
- Could this idol be like the All Stars idol that no one could find?
- Ange is worried that she could be the secondary vote if everyone is going for Evan, she tries to push voting out Abby as she is roommates with Dale Aram and plays Quidditch (lol) with Mike and Liam.
- This could be bad for Ange, turning around an easy vote could backfire.
- Tribal Council is in the pouring rain for Red.
- Evan is voted out of the Red Tribe.
- On the Yellow tribe Doug is very unhappy about Eric’s win, immunity and idol clue.
- Amanda needs to deal with her feelings towards other women. The cool girl thing is one of those awful painful young women things. Amanda, you will grow up, hell it’s been 4 years you might already look at this and cringe, and you’ll realise other women are friends not foe.
- Sadie and Chris talk about voting out Dale Aram then they can vote out Eric next week.
- Sadie talks to Eric about voting out Dale Aram then Amanda. Eric has decided to make a change in this plan. But he goes to try and talk to Amanda who is firm with the guys. He told her she is on the bottom of her alliance.
- Amanda ran straight to Doug, obviously.
- Eric speaks to Dain. Eric’s plan involves using his stolen vote advantage but that could just make it 4-4, but it pushes a decision about rocks on the other side.
- Sadie is pissed and thinks Eric is wasting his advantage, but he’s not, Doug is coming for him so he can wait another week but then he’ll only have Dain and can’t use it for anything good.
- This tribal has the worst production value of any tribal I have every seen in college Survivor. Maybe when it’s storming hold tribal inside like Michigan does in the snow?
- Eric calls the South Campus Alliance out at Tribal.
- Eric steals Tim’s vote.
- Holy shit Eric’s evil plan worked. Although they switched the votes to Chris instead of Doug, which was hella smart just in case Doug had immunity.
- I can’t be sad that we lost a white guy who I could not tell apart from Tim is gone.
- Eric is a genius as Doug voted for Chris.
- I really loved that the narrative of each tribe’s decision and tribal were separate so I didn’t have to try and work out who was on what tribe and what they were talking about.
Thoughts? Feeling? What’s happening in your lives?

Kemper Boyd became a fan of Survivor after watching Cook Islands because of all the press about the theme, she managed to watch every season by the start of Fiji and has been watching and rewatching ever since.
Favourite seasons: HvV, Pearl Islands, Cook Islands, Micronesia and SJDS.
Favourite players: Sandra, Kim, Nat Anderson, Cirie, Parvarti and because she needs to pick a man, Yul.