Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts, Episodes 9 & 10 Recap August 2, 2022August 12, 2022Barbara Anderson Comment Welcome to Week 3! Let’s get going! Episode 9 We see the immediate aftermath of Shona’s boot. Phil is apologetic. Dino is [...]
Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts, Episodes 7 & 8 Recap July 30, 2022Barbara Anderson Comment Hello again! Apologies for the delayed recap. Blame ac issues. Anyway, let’s get to talking about the swap episodes! Episode 7 On Yontau, [...]
Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts, Episodes 5 & 6 Recap July 27, 2022Assistant Dragon Slayer Comment As I tweeted out last Friday: Episode 5 I decided to switch things up and just watch the episode straight through and then [...]
Upcat 25/Jul/2022: New Phone Edition July 25, 2022Saturday Night Palsy Comment I don’t even know if this will work, but I miss you all. I have a new phone and can’t log into a [...]
Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts, Episodes 3&4 Recap July 22, 2022July 23, 2022Barbara Anderson Comment Hello and welcome to the second half of Week 1 of the season. I am going to try to do my best to [...]
Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts, Episodes 1 & 2 Recap July 19, 2022July 20, 2022Assistant Dragon Slayer 1 Welcome to PRP’s coverage of Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts, the South African franchise’s first-ever all-returnees season. M-Net is for some [...]
Upcat 2022/12/7: Walking Away Edition July 12, 2022Saturday Night Palsy Comment Hey, it’s Tuesday and I knew I was forgetting something yesterday. I forgot to provide that space for the PRP community to chat, [...]
Upcat 7/4/22: A Monday Edition July 4, 2022Saturday Night Palsy Comment You know, it just crossed my mind that most civilized countries don’t write their dates like that. I’m sorry if i made someone [...]
Upcat 6/27/22: Pride Edition June 27, 2022July 4, 2022Saturday Night Palsy Comment Welcome back to Upcat–that place in the PRP community where we can comment on our live! How did everyone celebrate this weekend? I [...]
Upcat 6/20/22: Broken Rib Edition June 20, 2022Saturday Night Palsy Comment How have all of you Purple Rock People been? I broke a rib this weekend and my cats like to walk on me [...]
Upcat 6/13/22: 50 Years Old Edition June 13, 2022July 4, 2022Saturday Night Palsy Comment Hey everybody! Welcome back to the offseason and a post with nothing about Survivor! This is just a place to chat with Purple [...]
Survivor 42 episode 10 “Tell a Good Lie, Not a Stupid Lie” comment thread May 4, 2022May 4, 2022Andy Comment Leave comments before, during, and especially after the episode. Also, if you’re going to live-tweet the episode and want to give people the [...]