Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Game Changers episode 3 “Survivor Jackpot”

John and Andy discuss goats and the GOAT and the third episodes Survivor: Game Changers.

Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Game Changers Episode 3 “Survivor Jackpot”

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In this episode, Andy and John discuss:

  • First impressions of the three new tribes.
  • Is Nu-Nuku the best tribe top-to-bottom of all-time?
  • Who would kill goat Bambi or her mother.
  • Sandra is calling the shots. SANDRA IS CALLING THE SHOTS. What does this mean?
  • Should we be concerned when J.T. is forced to make big moves?
  • Troy found an idol to remind us that 2017 sucks.
  • Fuck Yeah Brad Culpepper?
  • Has the bloom come off the Tai rose?
  • Was voting off Caleb the right move?
  • What was Caleb’s biggest highlight in his short-lived Survivor career?
  • Hali did some stuff. Kinda. Should we be excited?
  • Predictions for two boots.

If you have questions or comments, @ us on Twitter, or send us an email (purplerockpodcast at gmail).