Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Game Changers episode 4 “The Tables Have Turned”

John and Andy discuss a dark, dark time in Survivor: Game Changers. WARNING: this podcast is not censored.

Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Game Changers Episode 4 “The Tables Have Turned”

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In this episode, Andy and John discuss:

  • Fuck this shit. Like, for real.
  • What happened?
  • Who is to blame for this?
  • How could this have been stopped?
  • How could this have happened?
  • How could Survivor do this to us?
  • Can you fucking believe JT did this? What does this say about his legacy?
  • Let us not mourn Malcolm, but celebrate his life instead.
  • But, seriously… this is fucked up. Did it fuck up the season?

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