Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 3 “Honesty Would Be Chill” comment thread

Time to comment again on the episode. I’m gonna go out on a crazy limb and guess that Dean is the person with the episode quote. Who’s with me? Leave comments before, during,  and especially after the episode. Also, if you’re going to live-tweet the episode and want to give people the chance to see your tweets (since they won’t be shared in a live blog), use the hashtag #survivorprp. You can follow the hashtag here:  [custom-twitter-feeds hashtag=”#survivorprp” num=15 showheader=false]

New Podcast Gimmick

Much like the people who visit Rob and Sandra this season, we are offering our wisdom to anyone who needs it. Ask the podcast for advice about anything: Survivor-related, podcast-related, things that you know are in our field of expertise, or even things that are WAY out of our area of expertise. Especially things out of our are of expertise. Submit your questions via DM on Twitter or via email: purplerockpodcast at gmail dot com. Anonymity will be honored, especially if you provide an advice-column like sign off. This week’s advisors: Emma and Brad.