Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Our Survivor season rankings, part two (#1-14)
You may recall that this summer, we invited guests on to discuss the highs and lows of each one of Survivor’s 28 seasons. After weighing the opinions of our guests, we have developed the definitive, indisputably correct rankings for each of Survivor’s seasons.
In part two, we take you all the way to the top of the charts in terms of Survivor seasons. The seasons we cover here are the cream of the crop, and have some of the greatest gameplay, casts, and gimmicks/twists the game has ever done. It also has seasons that were responsible for some of the great moments in Survivor history: the Ulong tribe’s decimation, Rob Cesternino’s alliance-hopping, James getting voted out with two idols. They’re all covered here, and we admittedly had some difficulty determining the levels of greatness among some of the greatest seasons.
We welcome discussion of previous seasons, and if you have any comments about the seasons we talked about in this episode, please send us your feedback:
Twitter: @purplerockpod
Skype: JRPurpleRock, where you can leave us a voicemail
Email: purplerockpodcast at gmail
Thanks for listening!
Note: You can find our iTunes subscription link here: Purple Rock Survivor podcast on iTunes. You should leave us a stellar review there so we can brag to our family about how well-liked our podcast is.

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.