John and Andy couldn’t let the premiere go unremarked on, so you get two podcasts this week to match the two episodes delivered by Survivor: Game Changers.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Game Changers Episodes 1 & 2 “The Stakes Have Been Raised”
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In this episode, Andy and John discuss:
- How it feels to watch your favourite players lose.
- What went wrong for Ciera and if there was anything she could have done differently.
- What was Ciera’s biggest highlight in her entire time on Survivor?
- Was Cirie doomed on Nuku?
- The whirlwind of emotions that was Sandra vs Tony.
- The whats and possible whys of Sandra’s new style of gameplay.
- One last discussion of Tony Vlachos. Would toning it down have helped him? Can a toned down Tony still win Survivor?
- What was Tony’s biggest highlight in his entire time on Survivor?
- Sierra Dawn Thomas getting the most passive advantage in Survivor.
- Is Michaela’s lack of chill a problem?
- Speed round discussions of everyone else.
- Predictions for next week based on mostly nothing.
If you have questions or comments, @ us on Twitter, or send us an email (purplerockpodcast at gmail).

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.