Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 9 April 14, 2016April 14, 2016John 52 One chyron we won’t be seeing this season: “Debbie- Survivor Kaoh Rong winner”. But more importantly, how does that impact your fantasy team? [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 8 April 7, 2016John 54 Just like Nick for most of this season, this post is only going to be lightly edited from last week due to time [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 6 March 24, 2016March 24, 2016John 43 Is there a doctor in the house? Not anymore. Let’s see how that affects your fantasy scores. JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 4 March 10, 2016August 25, 2016John 57 The nerds are winning, the strong pretty man is evacuated, and up is down in the Survivor universe. JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 3 March 3, 2016March 3, 2016John 59 Uh oh, this is going to be a brutal week for a lot of you. You may want to cover your eyes for [...]
Pick-4 Survivor Kaoh Rong fantasy league January 28, 2016February 18, 2016John 422 Welcome to the greatest Survivor fantasy league on the internet! In the comments section of this post, you can select your Pick-4 teams for [...]
Survivor Cambodia Fantasy League Scoreboard- Week 12 December 3, 2015John 19 The immunity beast has been slain. You may gather here to mourn and/or celebrate, and also to look at your updated scores in [...]
Survivor Cambodia Fantasy League Scoreboard- Week 1 September 26, 2015September 29, 2015John 35 Want to see how your team did? I suggest using Ctrl + F (or Command + F, maybe? I’m not an Apple guy); [...]
Pick-4 Survivor fantasy league for Survivor: Cambodia (Second Chance) September 1, 2015October 1, 2015John 396 Welcome to the greatest Survivor fantasy league on the internet! In the comments section of this post, you can select your Pick-4 teams for Survivor: Second [...]
Worlds Apart fantasy league scoreboard- Week 12 May 14, 2015September 29, 2015John 2 Hey, remember how there’s still a season of Survivor going on? You know, that one where Mike wins? Fine, just check your scores and [...]
Worlds Apart fantasy league scoreboard- Week 11 May 7, 2015September 29, 2015John 4 I know, I know. You want to talk about Second Chance. Trust me, we will. In the meantime, check your fantasy scores. JohnJohn [...]
Worlds Apart fantasy league scoreboard- Week 10 May 2, 2015September 29, 2015purplerockpodcast 4 My apologies for not getting these up sooner. Apparently posting fantasy league standings is not one of the stages of grief following the [...]